Importance of studying comparative religion pdf

The emphasis on the primary importance of logiatestimony, as really autobiographical and so of the highest reliability, is an excellent feature of dr. Courses by comparative religion faculty cr 000601 philosophy of religion crosslisted as philosophy 0016 introduction to the philosophical analysis of major religious concepts, such as god, human nature, freedom of will, immortality, and the problem of evil, through a study of representative types of religious philosophies. Until our own time and in many places in our own time, religion is the center of human life. In this post, i briefly set out three distinct approaches to the study of religion. In fact, some people judge about the beliefs of other religions without having any study and research about it. And furthermore, what does the belief or disbelief. When we study religion, we study the subject that unifies all the other subjects of the humanities. The impact of african traditional religious beliefs and cultural values on christian muslim relations in ghana from 1920 through the present. While there are several other paradigms operating in the sociology of religion, a critical sociology of religion has remained undeveloped. From the early days of the academic study of religion until today, comparison has been an important feature.

Ideally, and more specifically, it is the disciplined, historically informed consideration of commonalities and differences among religions. Studying religion as a social phenomenon makes us question takenforgranted assumptions about the world and about the endless ways humans have experienced in across space and time. Everyone thinks that if you study religion youre planning to be a priest. The term comparative religion broadly signifies the study of all traditions and forms of religious life, as distinguished from the study or exposition of just one. The growth of various disciplines in the 19th century, notably psychology and sociology, stimulated a more analytic approach to religions, while at the same time theology became more sophisticated and, in a sense, scientific as it began to be affected by and thus to make use of historical and other methods. I have done this comparativehistorically through case studies, such as on iran and china. What is the importance of comparative education answers. Religious studies, also known as the study of religion, is an academic field devoted to research into religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. The importance of studying comparative politics comparative politics is an important aspect of political science in that instead of studying how this country functions, it studies why other countries around the world are the way they are. He felt that such terms as science of religions or history of religions would be misleading to indian audiences, while he disliked the implications of the popular expression, comparative religions. The importance of studying comparative politics 123 help me. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and crosscultural perspectives. The processes, not limited to the approaches and other requirements.

Scholars offer us many different definitions of religion, but these definitions tend to be of two types. Mar 07, 2017 most of the people and followers of a specific religion or denomination think that their religion or sect is the true religion and all others are false. So, this has been my taskto develop a dialectical theory of secularization as part of a critical sociology of. Comparative religion is an interdisciplinary approach which utilizes the methods and insights of a number of social science disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history. Explore the nature of faith with comparative religion, an indepth look at how five great faiths address core issuesincluding creation stories, concepts of the divine, and ultimate goalsin parallel and different ways. The importance of studying comparative politics essay. Study of religion although we may have difficulty understanding the behaviors just described, it is not difficult to see them as expressions of religion. The declared adherents of the indigenous religion are very conservative, resisting the. It is difficult not to notice the high relevance of the study of religion for understanding contemporary reality. That is, we dont study religion from any particular religious perspective. To do so a few typologies regarding the functions and leverages of comparative analysis are presented first. Studying such material facilitates a broadened and more sophisticated understanding of human beliefs and practices regarding the sacred, numinous. Elements of a comparative methodology in the study of religion. In modern times, there is a growing realization of the importance of the scientific study of social phenomena and the means of promoting what prof.

The pragmatics of defining religion in a multicultural world. While all cultures have religion, the behaviors these religions justify are astonishingly diverse and seem to challenge the notion that there could be any elements common to every religion. The study of comparative politics involves conscious comparisons in studying political experience, institutions, behaviour and processes of the systems of government in a comprehensive manner. The importance of comparative public administration is to compare data across states and propose policies that benefit its citizens.

It is a religion that is practised by living men and women. These include the critical, more nuanced histories of science, of settlercolonialism, of capitalism and socialism, and of american religions. One cannot hope to understand world history and literature or current events like middle east politics, the recent insurgencies. Unfortunately we have history working against us, as the assumption that studying religion means being religious is burrowed deep in our culture and impossible to avoid. Study of religion study of religion basic aims and methods. A voyage of discovery, fourth edition, considers one religion at a time, chapter by chapter. Yet, on studying other religions, i find that they have different focuses on life and have come to more indepth understanding in some elements of life than i have found in my own system of beliefs. Religion has been one of the most persistent forces in the history of humanity. In many areas of religious studies, the contribution of scholars at the hebrew university has been, and remains, exceptional. The most significance of sociology is that it studied the society social institutions scientifically. What is the importance of studying comparative education.

Comparative education as a discipline enables graduates to get employment it enables us to understand the reasons for similarities and differences. The comparative study of religions was the title which wach chose originally for his barrows lectures in india in the autumn of 1952. The importance of studying comparative politics essay bartleby. Comparative study of world religions research papers. Although the phenomenology of religion emerges as both a major field of study and an extremely influential approach to religion, formulating an essay on this subject poses serious difficulties. Sometimes, of course, his exegetical results will not. This attitude rises from inscience and illiteracy that somebody have. The study of comparative education is to compare, contrast and evaluate different educational settings, or broadly educational systems. This book is mostly about studying religion from the outside as a nonbeliever and non practitioner, but it is important to note that a serious study of a religion.

For further benefit toward peace, harmony, and accepting coexistence, this study also highlights suggestions for developing the undergraduate. A further problem is that defining religion in terms of belief that has a particular kind of object, such as. Comparative religions asserts that comparative study of religions rather than comparative religion. Although i cannot make the full case here, i sketch a preliminary defense of the third approach, in the context of recent debates in political theory.

There must be some medium for finding the differences and. Taking into account the history and importance of religious free dom, this paper will. Through modern changes, the traditional religion cannot remain intact but it is by no means extinct. Thank you for your presence, participation, patience, etc.

Supreme court, wrote in the majority opinion of abington v. The comparative study of religions world religions. If we do not study religion, we are not studying what is important about ourselves in the world. Comparative education as a discipline enables graduates to get employment it enables us to understand the reasons for similarities and differences for various educational system in the world. Aug 22, 2016 but, as thomas clark, a former associate justice of the u. Studying religion gives you the opportunity to explore some of the deepest and most significant ideas and values that have emerged in human history. The comparative study of religions by joachim wach, 1958.

For instance, although christianity has somewhat to say about materialism and self discipline, buddhism has explored the issues in much more depth. The study of sociology has a great value especially in modern complex society. Schempp, it might well be said that ones education is not complete without a study of comparative religion or the history of religion this sentiment is, perhaps, more true now than when justice clark wrote it in. The world has known many different religions, some that still have millions of followers today. One cannot hope to understand world history and literature or current events like middle east politics, the.

The secular benefits of comparative religious education byu. Studies in comparative education is an academic guide that focuses some contemporary and controversial issues associated with the field since its evolution as an academic discipline. The impact of african traditional religious beliefs and. Of late the importance of sociology as the science of human relationship is being realised. The scientific study of society and the scientific promotion of human welfare has. The importance of sociology is further provided by the fact that the subject of sociology is also included in engineering, agriculture and other branches. In general the comparative study of religion yields a deeper understanding of the fundamental philosophical concerns of religion such as ethics, metaphysics, and the nature and forms of salvation. An alternative approach is to select central themes of inquiry and to investigate how the religions engage with each theme. Why studying religion is more important than ever america. Nov 18, 2017 briefly describe 7 importance of studying comparative education to teacher.

Jan 21, 2010 the importance of studying religions and the religious phenomenon below are excerpts from my students answers at notre dame university reg 212 course, shouf campus, lebanon, january 2010. Potentials and limitations of comparative method in social. Jun 24, 2015 comparative religion is an interdisciplinary approach which utilizes the methods and insights of a number of social science disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, sociology, history. State the importance of studying comparative education. Most of the people and followers of a specific religion or denomination think that their religion or sect is the true religion and all others are false. Philosophy of religion is, in the simplest terms, the study of religious thought.

Rather, we are about the academic study of religion, exploring and interpreting various religious beliefs, ideas, texts, practices and institutions from a variety of scholarly perspectivescomparative, historical, cognitive, literary, sociological, anthropological. In the next step various ways in which comparative research is applied in social theory are exemplified, with especial attention paid to comparative studies of largescale, macrolevel historical process of social change. Importance of religion and religious beliefs pew research. Abstract comparative religion is seen as an important curricula. Briefly describe 7 importance of studying comparative education to teacher. Important studies in comparative religion i31 examination, first of the logia, then of mark.

The importance of studying religions and the religious. August is an especially cruel month as we close out one academic year and start up a new one, and begin again to struggle with an increasingly vital challenge. What is the value and importance of a comarative sliuly of relig ions. Religion is a major source of inspiration, meaning, and controversy in human culture, informing history, politics, economics, art, and literature. The importance of studying comparative politics essay 906 words 4 pages the importance of studying comparative politics comparative politics is an important aspect of political science in that instead of studying how this country functions, it studies why other countries around the world are the way they are. Comparative religion, therefore, precisely speaking, is a comparative study of the important features of the different religions of the world in a. It rivals trade as a major transnational force across the globe. However, this popularity of the study of religion and different research approaches has caused that in some sense scholars that were studying religion came to a dead point. The first type is known as a substantive definition.

The chapter also examines americans views on religion and salvation, religion and modernity, and religion and morality. Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices of the worlds religions. Yet each would seem to constitute typical features of many religions. Jan 20, 2016 i have done this comparativehistorically through case studies, such as on iran and china. Submitted by francis acquah to the university of exeter as a thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy in theology in december 2011. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand islam and muslims. For further benefit toward peace, harmony, and accepting coexistence, this study also highlights suggestions for developing the undergraduate and postgraduate. Comparisons done on religions can teach students philosophy, history. Study of religion basic aims and methods britannica.

The declared adherents of the indigenous religion are. A case study of nkusukumekumfienyan area of the central region. The role of comparative religion curricula in intrainter. The goal of this site is to investigate whether or not there is sufficient evidence to prove that world religions are complementary, according to the model inspired by an old indian tale that of the blind men who tried to describe an elephant. Three approaches to the study of religion the immanent frame. What is comparative religion comparative religion history. This article provides information about the importance of sociology to society. Without the study of sociology the training and knowledge of the candidates aspiring to hold high post in the administrative set up of their country will be incomplete and imperfect. The importance of studying religions and the religious phenomenon below are excerpts from my students answers at notre dame university reg 212 course, shouf campus, lebanon, january 2010.

Approximately oneinfive say religion is not too 11% or not at all important in their lives 11%. Philosophers of religion seek to answer some very important questions that have been around since the dawn of time and continue to be relevant today. To teach about religion is to study the religions of the world in a manner that is comparative, factual, and fairminded, and that avoids any hint of faculty or students trying to persuade other faculty or students to subscribe to this or that religious or. Philosophy of religion and its importance in everyday life. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of islam.

To teach about religion is to study the religions of the world in a manner that is comparative, factual, and fairminded, and that avoids any hint of faculty or students trying to persuade other faculty or students to subscribe to this or that religious or nonreligious or antireligious beliefsystem. These thoughtprovoking lectures are your opportunity to understand how judaism, christianity, islam, hinduism, and buddhism answer the numerous questions with which all. Importance of the study of comparative religion parliament of. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Comparative religion, therefore, precisely speaking, is a comparative study of the important. View comparative study of world religions research papers on academia. This recognition of the importance of the study of religion in academia is an important reminder.

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